Marlow meets with a miracle man.
Marlow learned that this man was the company´s chief accountant and that all the bookkeeping was done at this station.
Everything in this station was in a muddle.
Marlow saw that in this station some ´´black´´ people, enter to the centre of the jungle, a stream of manufactured products and then return with a precious trickle of ivory.
Marlow slept in that station for about 10 days.
Then he meets with Mr. Kurtz, some people says that he was a first-class-agent.
But Mr. Kurtz was at present in charge of a trading post. a very important one.
A man died.This man said to Marlow if he can say to Mr. Kurtz that everything there were very satisfactory.
In the next day Marlow left the station with sixty men for a two hundred-mile tramp