The Depression
8-Do health programs in Chile cover this tratment expenses?How about health programs of USA, UK, Nex Zeland, Australia or any European country?I don´t think so, because it is not consumed very much in Chile.
1- What are the characteristics of this illness or upheaval?
A depressed person feels like his useless, sad, with intention to die. He is not very comfortable with his self. He always is thinking that the things that he do are bad or not correct at all. He also have Insomnia that is an illness, its effect is not sleeping. The family of the person will notice the illness. This is illnes affects all the people around you because, you will very hungry and frustraded and with that your friends will leave you. Some syntoms of this upheaval are: Irritability, restlessness, fatigue, decreased energy. If you have this syntoms you have to talk with your doctor or psychologist about your depress and he will recommend you some activities or medicaments to help you but not to cure you because this illness will stay on you all your life. So to combat this illnes you need the help of all the people that in your social circle.
2- Why does it occur?
All depression is given by the psychological hole that we create with our sentimental problems, economics, of loneliness, etc. And if we fell that psychological holes, the depression disappears.
The problems are in the people that is around, your contacts, your family, because you be always mad or with a lot of work in the office and you can't speak or spend time with your friends or with your kids. You ill transform in a person that be always running and working and that will give the depression, stress and more. Sometimes you will think that your life is ending but is only starting and to get better you have to go to the doctor or psychologist to know more about your problem and how to get better that this the first step and the most important to have a better style of life. There is a lot of activities or exercises to fight the depression.
3- What are the most common symptoms?
- Difficulty concentrating, remembering details, and making decisions
- Fatigue and decreased energy
- Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, and/or helplessness
- Feelings of hopelessness and/or pessimism
- Insomnia, early-morning wakefulness, or excessive sleeping
- Irritability, restlessness
4- What types of treatment or therapy can a patient use? How long do they take? What are their pros and cons?
The most common treatment for depression includes the combination of antidepressant medicine and psychotherapy.
Psychotherapy : is sometimes called "talking therapy." It is used to treat mild and moderate forms of depression. A licensed mental health professional helps people with depression focus on behaviors, emotions, and ideas that contribute to depression. They also help the depressed person identify and understand life problems that contribute to their illness in order to enable them to regain a sense of control. Psychotherapy can be done on an individual or group basis and can include family members and spouses. It is most often the first line of treatment for depression.
There are some pills that contains substances that says that can help you restoring the chemical balance in the brain.This pills are called antidepressants.
Depends on how strong is your depression, and also in what says the doctor.
The pros is that your depression will disappears with this antidepressant pill.
The cons are:dry mouth, constipation, difficulty for urinate, sexual problems, blurred vision, dizziness and sleepiness.
5- What are the real possibilities of recovery if using this type of medicine?
In some cases you will be cure in some things like the Insomnia. But you will not cure at all because the anti-depressives have secondary effects that in some facts will be more risked because you will have more illness that before.
To get better in this upheavel you have to use Alternative medicine because is more effecient in this type of illness like a massage or some relax tea.
6- What type of remedies can a patient take?
Antidepressants.This pills helps in restoring the chemical balance in the brain, so the doctors says that if you take this pills your depression will disappears, but also ,this pills like any other, have cons and pros.
This are the warning signs of depression:
- Irritability
- Fatigue
- Inability to focus
- Pessimism.
- Others
They are a lot of antidepresives and they have diffents effect but you have to know more about of the secondary effects that are more that the illness problems but is risk that you have to take for the happiness vfrom you and your family. Buy the antidepresives that have less secundary effects to get a healthy life.
8-Do health programs in Chile cover this tratment expenses?How about health programs of USA, UK, Nex Zeland, Australia or any European country?I don´t think so, because it is not consumed very much in Chile.
It is different in USA because in this country the methamphetamine is more consumed that in Chile.In case of USA, this disease can be controlled, because of the great technology that have that country.USA is in campaign for stop this consumerism but it is just impossible to stop it, because of the high percentage of consumers.
In USA are also psychotherapy that lasts one year maximum.Most people see their therapist once a week for 50 minutes. For medication-only appointments, sessions will be with a psychiatric nurse or psychiatrist and tend to last only 15 to 20 minutes. Psychotherapy is often about challenging one’s existing set of beliefs and often, one’s very self. It is most successful when a person is able and willing to try to do this in a safe and supportive environment.

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